THE M&GN Circle Archives

The Circle holds extensive archives relating to the M & G N, its constituents and successors. Members are able to study these and also certain archives belonging to other organisations. In some cases prints are available from paper based archives and a wide range of archive material can be viewed on microfilm. The Circle owns a collection of ephemera such as tickets, waybills, buttons and badges.

The Circle holds the originals of the plans of every station which were kept up to date in most cases right into BR days. Particulars of alterations were recorded as were land sales. These are a fascinating resource.

M&GN Circle Photographs

This picture, taken at Sutton Bridge Junction shows Class C No57 taking the Spalding Road, about to collect the single line tablet at Dock Junction E.E. Boltz MGN-ME 0133

The Circle holds an extensive archive of photographs. Over twenty thousand individual photographs have been catalogued to date and many more remain to be listed. These are available to members through lists of stock items. Lists of photographs relating to particular subjects e.g. locomotives, rolling stock, sections of line are available.

The Circle holds photographs from the earliest days of the railway right up to present day records of what remains. This scene is one of a number found in an album kept by William Marriott, the line’s engineer and shows the construction of Melton East Signalbox around 1880

Photographs issued by the Circle are all subject to copyright considerations. Photos are normally made available to members of the Circle only.. Copyright of individual items is also detailed in all Circle photo lists. Copyright stamping is placed on the reverse of all Circle photos. Where copyright attributions to a photographer are few, then the Circle Copyright stamp may be used. The stamp does not, therefore, invariably represent that the copyright is held by the Circle, it can also signify that copyright is administered by the Circle on the photographer's/donor's behalf.
Copyright arrangements may change over time and it is essential that the up-to-date position is checked when considering any use. No photo may be used for any purpose other than private study without the prior written approval of the Circle Photos Officer - Adrian C Whittaker.
Reproduction of photos is strictly forbidden without this clearance, a verbal or even written approval from any other member or officer of the Circle is not adequate. There is a fee payable for use of photos and this, together with the agreement of appropriate acknowledgements to the photographer/donor and the Circle, must be settled before reproduction.
Currently the minimum copyright fee for reproduction stands at £15-00p per photo, subject to observance of the above conditions.For further details please contact Adrian C. Whittaker.

M&GN Circle Drawings

The Drawings Service collects drawings relating to the M.& G.N. and other related railways. Some are copies of original company drawings, some, such as the one above, drawn by the late Alan M Wells redrawn from the originals, some drawn from measurements of relics still existing and others drawn or sketched with the aid of photographs and comparison with standard dimensions. A number of people have contributed to the collection and in some cases we have drawings of the same item by different draughtsmen. Over 600 drawings are available in any scale, subject to the limitations of paper sizes, A1 being the largest available but most originals have been drawn for 7mm/ft or 4mm/ft scale for the convenience of modellers.
Orders and enquiries for drawings should be sent to John Hobden:
33 Feltwell Road, Southery, Downham Market, Norfolk PE38 0NR

Drawings List

Click for a list of the majority of the drawings available

M&GN Circle Publications and Sources of Information

The Circle has published 18 Booklets on different aspects of the railway. Some of the earlier booklets are in course of being reprinted

Booklets Available

Click for a list of currently available booklets


Beckett, M.D. (Ed.) and Hemnell, P.R. (Ed) 1980, M & GN in Focus

Beckett, M.D. (Ed.) and Hemnell, P.R. (Ed.) 1981, M & GN in Action

Clark, M.J. (1990) Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway (Railway World Special), Ian Allan, ISBN 0 7110 1900 2

Clark, R.H. (1967) A Short History of the M & G N, Goose and Son

Clark, R.H. (1967) Scenes from the M. & G.N. Moorland

Digby, N. (1993) A Guide to the Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway, Ian Allan

Digby, N. (2014) Stations and Structures of the Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway Vol. 1, Lightmoor Publishing

Digby, N. (2015) Stations and Structures of the Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway Vol. 2, Lightmoor Publishing

Essery, R. (2009) The Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway and its Locomotives, Lightmoor Publishing

Gillett, Steph (2019) The Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway Through Time, Amberley Publishing

Greeno, Dennis (Ed) (2009) M&GN in Colour: Volume 1

Greeno, Dennis (Ed) (2010) M&GN in Colour: Volume 2

Greeno, Dennis (Ed) (2011) M&GN in Colour: Volume 3

Greeno, Dennis (Ed) (2011) M&GN in Colour: Volume 4

Marriott, W (C. Beckett, Ed.) (1974) Forty Years of a Norfolk Railway, M & G N R S

Rhodes, J (1979) The M. & G.N.J.R., Ian Allan

Shorland-Ball, Rob (2023) The Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway to Poppyland, Pen and Sword

Wrottesley, A.J. (1981) The Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway, David & Charles

Websites of Interest

North Norfolk Railway
M&GN Society
Historical Model Railway Society
Midland Railway Society
Great Northern Society
Whitwell & Reepham Railway
Great Eastern Society
Nigel Digby's website
Gt Yarmouth Railways